
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Consultation Results

We are over the moon to report that we can now share with you the consultation report for the ARB expansion at Oasis Academy New Oak. Please take the time to read the report in full but we are delighted to say the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. With 90% of the responses being in favour of the expansion. Two concerns were raised in the report, and we would like to take the opportunity to address those now.


I’ve not been told enough about it and feel as though communication is severely lacking this year in comparison to the last. I’m concerned about my child getting the right support in mainstream and am concerned we should be concentrating to children already at new oak before extension


Things are going from strength to strength at New Oak. Last year OFSTED acknowledged our good work and rated us as ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ Personal Development. This expansion will enhance the provision for all the children at New Oak by creating a bigger staff team and bespoke spaces for intervention and cooking that can be used by all.

The other respondee who was not in favour of expanding autistic provision did not leave a comment to explain their lack of support, so we are not able to provide a direct response.

If you would like to discuss the ARB expansion further please contact the office and organise a meeting with Mr Allan.

If you'd like to read the full report, please click here

We will keep this page updated with developments on the project as we are able to share them, so please check back regularly so we can communicate clearly with our community and interested groups.