Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Oasis’ ethos is based on an overarching theme of Inclusion; welcoming, encouraging and enabling all to achieve their best whatever the challenges may be in doing so.
At Oasis Academy New Oak we have special provisions in place for those who need special educational support, including our Deaf Learning Base and Autism Resource Base.
As an Academy we:
- Identify children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and ensure provision is made in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice
- Have an appointed SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
- Invest in whole Academy and targeted training for staff
- Ensure that teaching is inclusive and support practices are embedded throughout the Academy
- Ensure that all teachers understand that they are teachers of SEND
- Plan for transition across all Key Stages
Our Provision
We do our very best to ensure that all students feel we comfortable, confident and challenged whilst studying with us. For students with Special Educational Needs we know that this means taking a different approach.
Our staff are all fully trained and have regular updated training on working with SEN students to help them reach their potential. We have two specialist centres on site: one for children with Autism and one for deaf learners. Students with special educational needs are fully supported. The new curriculum is differentiated so that all students can access all learning opportunities. Progress is monitored in all subjects half-termly. Students who are not making sufficient progress are identified and attend bespoke intervention groups. The quality of teaching and learning is also monitored through a rigorous quality assurance timetable to ensure that all students are accessing Quality First Teaching. Students who continue to make poor or no progress are identified as 'SEN Support' and placed on our Inclusion Register. They are then given their own specific targets and the support needed to meet their individual needs.
The SENDCo supports class teachers with the accurate identification of students with additional needs and maintains a regularly updated provision map of support. The Leadership Team ensures all statutory requirements are met and students, parents and carers are provided with transparent and coherent information about their child's needs and progress. Full advantage is taken of support from external agencies and providers; capacity is also built within the Academy’s own workforce through targeted CPD and training. The SENDCo also ensures that interventions are well delivered and their impact is monitored and checked termly.
Where a student has a statement or Education Healthcare Plan, and the Local Authority is proposing to name the Academy in the statement, the Academy will agree to the student’s admission. The only reason for not doing so is if the inclusion of that student would be incompatible with the education of other children and there are no reasonable steps the Academy could take to resolve this. If there is a disagreement between the Academy and the Local Authority on the placement of a student, there is a voluntary dispute resolution service backed up by the Secretary of State’s power to intervene. In the last, resort parents can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SENDIST) Tribunal.
Who are the best people at the Academy to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need?
Our SENDCo is Mrs Maione. You can contact her either via the Academy address or by telephone or email.
She is available to talk to about any issues you may have regarding to the care and education of your child, including whether they may have a special education need, whether their needs are being met or anything in their learning plans.
What happens if my child with SEND makes very little progress at the Academy?
- Parents and Carers are asked to make an appointment with the class teacher or learning guide if they have concerns about attainment, achievement, progress or happiness in the Academy
- If your child continues to make little progress despite the extra support provided by the Academy we will look to provide external support and advice. If there is evidence that your child has severe and complex needs that cannot be met by the resources available to the Academy, we will ask the Local Authority to undertake a statutory assessment of SEN either as set out in the SEN Code of Practice or through a request for an Education Health and Care Plan
- We have a designated SEN Academy Councillor who is responsible for making sure the necessary support is available for every child who attends the Academy
Bristol's Written Statement of Action (WSOA)
Please click the link below to see Bristol's Written Statement of Action (WSOA)
Local Offer WebsiteThe Local Offer website is a hub of information and support for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND), their families and professionals in the field - www.bristol.gov.uk/bristol-local-offer