
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Support

At Oasis Academy New Oak we strive to make sure all our students are safe in the Academy, at home, online and in the community. Our staff are here to keep our students safe and secure and to promote their personal safety and well-being.

Our commitment to safeguarding encompasses ways how we ensure our students feel secure, confident and independent. The Academy has a duty of care and the right to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its students. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse, the Academy will follow child protection procedures and inform Children’s Services of its concern. Wherever possible we will discuss concerns with families and work with them to support the child.

Who is looking after you

The Board of Trustees for Oasis Charitable Trust has ultimate responsibility for Safeguarding issues. Operationally, this responsibility is delegated to the Group Chief Executive, who leads on policy issues in relation to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk across the Oasis Group. Within our Academies there are Safeguarding Leads who lead on Safeguarding issues within their locality. They are clear about their role and have sufficient time and receive relevant support, and training, which includes close contact with outside agencies including Children’s Services, the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and relevant health care organisations.

At Oasis Academy New Oak our Safeguarding leads are:



Sinead Walsh, Designated Safeguarding Lead, DSL




Philip Allan, DDSL


Carla Webb, DDSL


Kelly Maione, DDSL


Karen Mulholland, DDSL

If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact one of the designated safeguarding leads as quickly as possible. 
Carla Webb, DDSL

Policy and Procedures

Our Safeguarding policy is available on our policies page and is reviewed by staff and the Academy Council on an annual basis.

We will ensure all policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding children are up to date and in line with latest DfE legislation. Policies and procedures are also reviewed and revised by the Oasis Board of Trustees on a regular basis.

Disclosure & Barring Checks

We follow safer recruitment protocols at every turn. Amongst many procedures in place during the recruitment period, all staff wishing to work or volunteer with us must undergo a DBS check. Oasis meets statutory requirements in relation to Disclosure & Barring Service – all staff and volunteers who work with Oasis who meet the ‘regulated activity test’ (Freedoms Act 2012) are required to undergo an enhanced DBS check prior to employment.


All Academy staff and volunteers undertake safeguarding training upon starting in the Academy and receive annual updates as appropriate.

Medical Care

Within the Academy we have first aid trained staff who are available during the day to attend to students who become ill or have an accident.

Parents are asked to provide a daytime telephone number and an alternative emergency contact so that they can be contacted if necessary.

If medicines need to be administered to a student, parents must complete a care plan with our medical officer. All medicines must be stored safely with the medical officer and not be kept on the student.




Click here to see our Safeguarding Policy


For more information about agencies or places you can go for advice, please select which category you suit best.



Printable Resource List

Other members of staff are also involved in ensuring that students are safe:

Lead First Aider

Kelly Low (TA) 

First Aider Karen Mulholland (Specialist TA)
First Aider Michelle Monks (TA)
First Aider Mariangela Costa (TA)
First Aider

Sarah Parsons,(Specialist TA)

First Aider Rose Fry (TA)
First Aider

Hayley Williams (Operations Manager)

First Aider David Constable, Teacher of the Deaf
First Aider Lisa Lloyd, (Specialist TA)
First Aider Jayne Powell, SMSA
First Aider Tara Styles, SMSA
First Aider Rosie Health, TA & SMSA
First Aider Tara Styles, SMSA
First Aider Steve Roberts, Specialist TA